What We Do

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Curriculum Overview

We aim to open the eyes of our pupils to the wider world, to enable them to understand their place in the global community and to support their cultural, social, spiritual and moral development.

WritingCurriculum Intent

At Baydon St Nicholas our curriculum is designed to inspire a love of learning for life. It is broad and balanced as we understand that the pupils we teach today could be the musicians, architects or scientists of the future. The curriculum aims to open the eyes of our pupils to the wider world, to enable them to understand their place in the global community and to support their cultural, social, spiritual and moral development.  It is designed to give every child the foundations in all areas of the curriculum, to open up possibilities and to give the understanding that you can shoot for the stars. In addition, the curriculum supports the development of the whole child, with elements such as creativity, confidence, communication, problem solving, wellbeing, physical development, responsibility and resilience fully explored underpinned by our values of respect, kindness and perseverance. 

At Baydon School the curriculum covers a full range of activities to promote the spiritual, moral, cultural and social as well as the mental and physical development of each child, preparing them for the opportunities and experiences of adult life and society.

The Governing body has given due consideration to the local education authority policy when formulating the curriculum.

The core subjects of English, Mathematics, Science are taught alongside the Foundation subjects of Music, Art, Physical Education, History, Geography, Computing and Design Technology and PSHE. Pupils are also taught a modern foreign language (French).  Our RE teaching uses Understanding Christianity and Kapow curriculum resources.

In planning the new curriculum has been used to inform content and objectives. We have developed a long term four year planning cycle (two years for Key stage One) to ensure all pupils will cover an exciting, engaging and challenging curriculum regardless of the mixed age class they are assigned to as they progress through the school. This year (2024-2025) we are in Year C (3) of our planning cycle.Curriculum

Rolling Year C Curriculum Overview Baydon 2024 2025

To view in more detail individual subjects please see the individual subject pages under the heading ‘What We Do’.

With regard to those under the age of 5 years a scheme of work has been developed in accordance with the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework, though pupils will also experience the whole school theme cycle. Information about how the EYFS curriculum links to the National Curriculum can be found on the individual subject pages.

If you would like to find out more about the curriculum we follow at Baydon St Nicholas, then please contact the school on admin@baydon-st-nicholas.wilts.sch.uk

To look at what each class is covering in more detail please visit the class pages for termly curriculum notes.

As a Church School we provide a daily Act of Christian Worship. We aim to create a caring Christian community with a happy industrious atmosphere.

We involve parents, the Church and the local community as much as possible in achieving these aims.

Curriculum Organisation

Our approach to teaching encompasses both topic and subject based teaching. A balance of time is given to the various curriculum areas throughout the year.

The children are organised by age into four classes. In a small school it is inevitable that more than one year group is taught together. The strategy of the Governors is to employ teachers who are well qualified to ensure that each child’s work is matched to his or her needs. Groups of children will work together, yet opportunities arise both for individual, group and class teaching within the school day.
