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Latest News

Information for our Community: Reopening from 1st June 2020

Dear Baydon Village,

As Governors of Baydon St Nicholas Primary school, we thought it might be helpful to provide an update and information on the phased re-opening of the school in line with Government guidance.

It is anticipated that school will re-open for children in Reception, year 1 and year 6 on 1st June as well as continuing to provide school places for children of key workers. Children in years 2, 3, 4 and 5 will continue to stay at home and continue with home learning set by their teachers.

When the phased reopening starts, the village will look and feel busier. There will be staggered start times between 08.40am and 09.30am and staggered leaving times between 2.30pm and 3.15pm. The children will be arriving and leaving school, through prearranged entrances and exits to the school site, to support social distancing.

The school will be using the Paddock in Finches Lane during the school day for outside learning and play time. Therefore, as it would be during term time usually, we ask that the Paddock is not used by children not at school or the community during the school day.

We wish to reassure the village that the school will be adhering to the robust Government guidelines as the safety of the children, staff, parents and the wider community is paramount.

For queries or questions, please email Co-Chair, Baydon St Nicholas Governors
