About Us

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Community Links

Being an active part of a community is an important step in belonging to the world today.

The Village Community

Pet Service 2015 JuneBaydon is a thriving village in the north of Wiltshire. Our school has strong links with the local Church, which is situated next to the school. We welcome links with village members and enjoy Open the Book sessions when members of the church visit the school weekly and act out bible stories for the whole school in an interactive and thought provoking way.

Baydon school contributes to the Baydon Scene which is a regular village magazine.  The latest edition can be viewed on the village website.

Working with Marlborough College

We are delighted to welcome pupils from Marlborough College each week to work in classrooms and support pupils with reading.

Links with Local Schools

Three Drummers drumming

We work closely with other schools in the Marlborough area and through this collaboration pupils are able to work with others in a range of different areas, from school councils talking about healthy eating to music drumming workshops.

Wider Links

Baydon school has worked with several universities and have welcomed students on teaching placements from Bath Spa University and Winchester for many years. Students that have worked at Baydon have gone on to be successfully employed across the UK.
